Quincy Le Huynh, PhD

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University of California, Berkeley

E-mail: quincy.huynh[at]eecs[dot]berkeley[dot]edu

LinkedIn: Quincy Huynh


In Fall 2023, I graduated with my PhD from the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department at University of California, Berkeley, advised by Professor Steven Conolly. My research was primarily in analog front end design for Magnetic Particle Imaging and Magnetic Particle Relaxometry. Some example projects include optimized coil design and ultra low noise preamplifier design. I also graduated from UC Berkeley with a M.S in EECS in Spring 2018 and a B.S. in EECS in Spring 2017. My main coursework was in integrated circuits and systems. I spent a large part of my undergraduate career as a teaching assistant, and I continued to teach as a graduate student instructor.

On the side I did consulting through Mosaic Design Labs (see consulting).

Currently I am a Research Scientist at Empo Health researching novel ways to remotely detect diabetic foot ulcers at home for early intervention to prevent amputations.

I'm also an amateur ham radio! Callsign: W0SBQ